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Press Release


Fine Arts Exhibition, an offer for the 30 years of EEDDA

at Melina Cultural Center


10 – 27 November 2011, Iraklidon 66, Thesio, Athens



The Administrative Board of the Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece (EETE) in collaboration with the Greek Committee for International Democratic Solidarity (EEDDA) undertakes an Exhibition of Fine Arts at Melina Cultural Center, from 10 to 27 November 2011.


The support of the work of EEDDA, which this year completes 30 years of action, is the main aim of this exhibition of art works donated by the artists.


Within the framework of anti-imperialism and solidarity with the struggling peoples of the world, the Greek Committee for International Democratic Solidarity addressed EETE for the realization of an exhibition that will honor the aid for the founding aims of EEDDA, the fight for the establishment of peoples’ friendship, the protection of human rights and fundamental liberties and the abolition of the exploitation of man from man.


EEDDA from 1981 is a partaker of the international problems, of the visions and the popular culture that develop the peoples in struggle. It stands on the site of the immigrants who require a better future, displaced from their countries, persecuted from imperialistic policies and predatory wars. It defends the Palestinian people’s fight against the powerful Israeli machine which, with the support of the US and EU, deprives it from every human right, along with the obvious right to have its own country. It opposed the inhuman «apartheid» that had transformed the people of South Africa enslaved in its own country. It supports the fights of the peoples of Latin America, where the US had imposed dictatorial governments and tries with every means to overthrow freely elected governments. It opposed the «civil war» that left «heritage» the British colonial policy to the people of Sudan, the results of which torture it until date along with the intention of the big countries to exploit its rich subsoil.


The Administrative Board of EETE, who always fights for the popular freedoms and democratic rights, who develops cultural initiatives for the same anti-imperialistic scopes also via the support and development of the artistic creation, invited the artists to participate to this exhibition, an exhibition with open topic. The profits from the   artworks will be donated to support the aims of action of EEDDA.





For the board of EETE                                                          For the board of EEDDA




The President Eva Mela                                                    The President Marie Lavrentiadou




For more information call ++30-6974 078 379, visit www.eedda.gr/Expo2011